

Our stewardship is a good indicator of our worship.  If we understand that ALL that we have is from God (James 1:17), then we should understand that how we use those things that God has given us says a lot about how we view God and His influence in our lives.  Are we using the things that God has given us in ways that please Him?  Have we been using the things He has blessed us with to glorify Him and honour His name?

How have you been using your TIME?

Psalm 39:4-5

Ephesians 5:15-16


How have you been using your TALENTS?

Matthew 25:20-23

Matthew 25:24-30

Romans 12:6

What have you been doing with the TREASURES that God has blessed you with?

Matthew 6:19-21

Proverbs 28:27; 19:17

2 Corinthians 9:6-11


What have you been doing with the TRUTH that God has caused you to understand?

2 Timothy 2:15

2 Timothy 1: 13-14


When it’s all been said and done, what kind of steward have we been?

2 Corinthians 4:1


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